“Well, I paid $25.00….”

That’s what she said to me: “Well, I paid twenty-five dollars for it!”
The young client said this after she proudly announced she had a “numerology chart” done already.
I had asked her to give me more detail about the exchange.
When she said, “Well, I paid twenty-five dollars for it” there was a claim to her words and an ownership to the process as if she just bought a jar of nail polish. Since she paid a staggering amount of $25.00 her ego demanded that the chart was as good as she could get. The client was also rather indignant about spending the money.
“And what did you do with it?” I asked.
“Oh, it’s around somewhere. In a drawer or something. I don’t remember,” she said.
“Then you did not receive an accurate and insightful session,” I said, “For if you did you would remember it and already would have created a change in your life.”
“Well,” she said—- and said this with authority: “I know I’m a Five in my destiny. Isn’t that enough?”
I collapsed. My forehead slammed on the desktop.
“You get what you paid for,” I muttered.
She reiterated: “Well, I paid twenty-five dollars for IT!”
When I pressed further the “numerology chart” turned out to be one that was spit out of the Internet; one of those sites people hurry to in times of stress to get some encouragement to think more highly of themselves. The young client did this as a form of entertainment to soothe her broken heart from a break-up with a boy. She would have done better to take her $25.00 and treat herself to a downtown movie or play.
Since this was a software program what was regurgitated to her is what she deserved at the time. Since she wanted quick answers for an immediate gratification that is precisely what she got. The problem is that she—along with millions of others—don’t embrace numerology as a science and art. Numerology—and astrology—has been commercialized upon so much so that the sciences are destined to remain in the “entertainment” field instead of science, consulting and counseling categories. As a professional I am offended by this.
People either don’t take these sciences seriously or they naively think they can have ownership on them by visiting a site that is designed for a fast sale. (Just look at the spiritual guru who looks like Jesus Christ and has the audacity to create every chart known to man for fees of $19.99 to $35.00.) The problem is that the accuracy doesn’t exist. This is equated with having a first-time pregnancy and going to a diaper salesman for advice. The difficulty I have with it is that my young client did not place value on herself since the whopping twenty-five dollars—-according to Internet competition—was a few dollars more than what the Jesus- Christ- look- alike would charge or other capitalistic sites demand as payment. The $5.00 extra seemed to say that her “chart” was customized to fit her alone.
You get what you pay for.
You cannot be reduced down to a single digit. Western Numerology has digital reduction and this means to reduce the numbers down. We CANNOT be reduced. And this is a reductionist’s ideology, not the science of true numerology, which is what Mystical Numerology is. If you want to be reduced then by all means pay your whopping twenty-five dollars. However, if you want expert, skilled and professional care then engage in a session that is revolved around you within the moment of Now and is based upon all movement in your quantum field, your environment, work, intimacy and future possibilities. You are a bio-photon and a good numerologist reads your energy field, but interprets the frequency as it is vibrating now and not according to a reductionist’s theory.
There is a triad movement that must be balanced. There must also be high intuition that is used with numerology. And a software program or Internet site cannot supply this for you. Once you take the human being out of the equation, once you take that interpersonal communication out of the equation and once you take value placed on self out of the equation, you are simply left with what you deserve at the time: a commercialized attempt to make you feel good once again in a moment of despair. The wag of a dog’s tail affects a much greater change— I can tell you that—or even the purr of a kitten. Chocolate too can give you that same momentary satisfaction. Try some raw honey!
If you want change and you want your energy uplifted to live in your full positive potential then contact me for a personal private session. If you want an immediate gratification then take your $25.00 and go see a movie, for the results will be far more memorable than false information vomits from silicon switches; fabricated forms that don’t care whether you are You or just a chair sitting before a computer screen. The program can’t make that distinction and the owner of the site only wants your theater money.
Place value on yourself, your potentials and your future probabilities. My session fee has been the same for over 30 years and is based upon the patterns in the fee and balanced reciprocity. There is harmony in the exchange and fulfills your need of “What’s in it for me?”
You deserve the best and that’s what I give.

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